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Brand Story

 My love for coffee began from the first set of interactions I can recall with my maternal grandmother, when I was a toddler. Making coffee in the morning was a way of life. Fast forward to Operation Iraqi Freedom in early 2003, I had luxurious exposure to Cuban Style Espresso through one of the sergeants of my unit. A proud Cuban-American, he inadvertently started a morning ritual that not only empowered us as a morale booster, it served as a necessary catalyst energizing many of us to tackle our duties. Every morning, whether it be rain, sunshine, sandstorms or mortar attacks, sergeant Abreu would yell out “cafecito!” and every early bird who heard and smelled the aroma knew what time it was. Although my brand is intended to expand and explore a variety of coffee blends, having had the love of Coffee being reignited from the South Florida community, particularly Miami, I would be remiss not to lead with that.

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